VTL land to JB

 4 Dec 2021

Finally after 1 year 9 months, we have the chance to go back to JB to visit elderly parents. 

Pic: Queen Street Bus Terminal

We booked bus ticket for 10.30am on 4 Dec 2021, depart from Queen Street Bus Terminal. 

Pic: entry point to queue for the Bus

Pic: Queuing up for our Bus

Pic: process of boarding the bus.

Prepare hard copies of vaccine cert, swab test results, bus ticket and passport. 

The officers there will inform you the bus number that you're assigned to. Record it somewhere as you will alight at sg & msia customs and board back the same bus. 

Front door of bus is for loading luggage, back door for passenger boarding. 

Pic: on board causeway link Bus

The front of the bus is for storing luggage. Passengers all sit at the behind half of the bus. Not packed, about 20 pax per bus.

Upon reaching SG customs, bus officer will inform you to alight and proceed to immigration for exit procedures. Bags and luggage can keep it inside the bus. 

Proceed to level 2 for immigration clearance, officer will check passport details, take pics and fingerprint. 

After this step, go back down to level 1 and board back the same bus. 

Pic: crossing the bridge, oh how we miss this view 😄

Pic: Arrival at Msia immigration 

Need to show bus tickets, passport, vaccine certs, mysafetravel documents.

After clearing immigration, board back the same bus to Larkin bus terminal.

Pic: entering JB

Pic: arriving at Larkin bus terminal

Enter into swab test area, remember to scan QR code to register for the vaccine and results to be sent to you via email. Once registered, queue up to make payment and proceed to do swab test. Process is relatively fast. 

After swab test is done, proceed to waiting area to wait for results. Results will be sent to your email within about 15 mins. 

After getting result can exit the waiting area and proceed on your journey. 

Hooray! Going back home!  🏠 🥳

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  1. Thank you for your valuable information

  2. Must do art in singapore before back JB? Or no need

    1. Need to do pre dept art in singapore before back jb

    2. Art need to do 48hr or 24hr before

    3. We did our ART in Singapore on Friday evening, which is 24hrs before departure. Best to book appointment with clinic first.

  3. Is it necessary to apply mysafe travel to enter Malaysia and need to upload art result?

    1. Yes need to apply Mysafetravel to enter Malaysia. For ART result, we printed hardcopy, we didn't manage to upload ART results into Mysafetravel.


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